Remove the Currency on BigCommerce Order email template

How to remove the order email Currency code for BigCommerce Order Email.


How to remove the USD or other currency codes from the email templates in BigCommerce?




Using the BigCommerce Email Template Objects, we need to change the 'price' and 'total' objects from 'formatted' to 'value'. This results in having a float value rather than a string, but lacks the "$" sign and rounds off the ending zeros "210.0".

In order to ensure proper number formatting, we need to add handlebar logic. Using the Money helper, we can ensure proper formatting "$210.00".

We found these variables in the Order Email transaction template on lines 734, 752, 791.

<p class="products__price">{{money price.value 2 ',' '.'}}</p>

<th class="products__total">
          <strong>{{money total.value 2 ',' '.'}}</strong>

<th class="total__value">
          <strong>{{money price.value 2 ',' '.'}}</strong>
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